Kathryn Berkowitz, Perinatal Support Services

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Pregnancy, birth and postpartum are transformative events in every woman's life. All women deserve knowledgeable, compassionate support and evidence based perinatal education to navigate the maze of maternity care and integrate the many physical and emotional changes that are a normal part of the childbearing year. Abortion is also a transformative event in a woman's life, leaving her at risk for possible complications in future pregnancies, births and early parenting, such as pregnancy and labor complications, revisited emotional trauma, postpartum depression and breastfeeding difficulties. Postabortive women in subsequent pregnancies should receive guidance, education and support from knowledgeable perinatal professionals, such as certified childbirth educators, certified labor and postpartum doulas, certified midwives and obstetricians who have been trained to facilitate postabortion healing and prepare the woman for her role as a mother. For more information email Kathryn Berkowitz birthdance@aol.com