APA Abortion Report
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- Tales From an Insider: How The APA Denied Abortion's Mental Health Risks by Rachel McNair, Ph.D.
- The APA Task Force Report dismisses a large body of evidence demonstrating a link between abortion and mental health problems. And in the end it is left with only one study which it deems to be definitive in demonstrating no higher mental health risks associated with abortion. That study Gilchrist has a number of flaws described here
- What the headline's avoid saying, "APA finds more than one abortion is threat to women's mental health"
- APA Report Unconvincing. 100 Scientists Report Abortion Does Cause Mental Health Problems
- On March 14, 2008, the British Royal Academy of Psychiatrists recognized the need to screen for risk factors associated with mental health problems associated with abortion, stating:
- “Healthcare professionals who assess or refer women who are requesting an abortion should assess for mental disorder and for risk factors that may be associated with its subsequent development. If a mental disorder or risk factors are identified, there should be a clearly identified care pathway whereby the mental health needs of the woman and her significant others may be met."
- Here is the full Royal College of Psychiatrists
Media Reports
- Excerpts:
- The review identified several factors predictive of more negative psychological responses following first-trimester abortion:
- Included perceptions of stigma
- Need for secrecy
- Low or anticipated social support for the abortion decision
- Prior history of mental health problems
- Personality factors such as low self-esteem and use of avoidance and denial coping strategies
- Characteristics of the particular pregnancy, including the extent to which the woman wanted and felt committed to it
- Prior mental health which was the strongest predictor of postabortion mental health
- The report noted that many of these same factors also predict negative psychological reactions to other types of stressful life events, including childbirth.
- The review identified several factors predictive of more negative psychological responses following first-trimester abortion: