Psychological Reactions to Second and Third Trimester Abortion
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Studies relating to abortions in the second and third trimester.
"Why Do Women Have Abortions?" A Torres and JD Forrest, Family Planning Perspectives 20(4): 169, 1988.
- An Alan Guttmacher Institute survey in 1987 who obtained abortions at 16 gestational weeks or later are significantly more likely to be teenagers under the age of 18, black women, unemployed women, or women covered by Medicaid. Abortions at 16 gestational weeks or more were more apt to be performed if the reason was possible fetal health problems, if the woman's parents wanted her to have an abortion, or if the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest. Women were significantly less likely to have an abortion at 16 gestational weeks or later if they were age 30 or older, if they had no religious affiliation, if they were having health problems, or if their husband or partner wanted them to have an abortion.
"Induced Terminations of Pregnancy: Reporting States, 1988," KD Kochenek, National Center for Health Statistics, Monthly Vital Statistics Report 39(12) Supplement, April 30, 1991
- Twenty-five percent of young women age 14 had abortions at 13 gestational weeks or greater compared to 19% of women age 16, 13.8% of women age 18, and 11.2% of women age 20-24.
"Emotional Patterns Related to Delay in Decision to Seek Legal Abortion," N Kaltreider, Cal Med 118:23, 1973.
- Women who have abortions in the second trimester are more likely to use the word " baby" to describe what is in her womb compared to women who have abortions in the first trimester who are more likely to use words such as " this pregnancy" or " this condition."
"Abortion Surveillance-United States, 1996," Koonin et al, MMWR 48/No.SS-4, July 30, 1999
- 11.0% of U.S. white women had abortions at 13 gestational weeks or more compared to 14.2% of black women, and 12.3% of Hispanic women.
"Psychodynamic aspects of delayed abortion decisions," JA Cancelmo et al, Br J Medical Psychology 65:333, 1992.
- A study of New York City women found that abortion at later gestational ages was significantly associated with a greater disturbance of the basic sense of self due to gender/sexual conflict and lower levels of internalized striving or ambition.
"Delayed Abortion in an Area of Easy Accessibility," WA Burr, KF Schulz, JAMA 244 (1): 44, 1980.
- Women with moral objections to abortion were more likely to have a late abortion compared to an early abortion. These moral conflicts included opposition of the woman to abortion as well as conflicted decisions.
Psycho-Social Stress Following Abortion, Anne Speckhard, (Kansas City, MO: Sheed&Ward, 1987)
- A study of women with long term stress reactions following induced abortion had an overrepresentation of women who had abortions in the second trimester.
Post Abortion Trauma: 9 Steps to Recovery, Jeanette Vought, (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1991)
- A religiously based postabortion recovery group had an overrepresentation of women with second or third trimester abortions.
"Psycho-Social Aspects of Late Term Abortions," Thomas Strahan, Association for Interdisciplinary Research in Values and Social Change Research Bulletin 14(4): 108, Jan/Feb 2000
- Review Article
"Very and moderate preterm births: are the risk factors different?," Pierre-Yves Ancel et al, Br J Obstet Gynaecol 106: 1162-1170, Nov, 1999.
- A study of preterm birth in 15 European countries found that among women with a previous second trimester abortion there was a 3.67 increased relative risk for very preterm birth (22-32 gestational weeks) and a 2.33 increased relative risk for moderate preterm birth (33-36 gestational weeks). Among women with a previous first trimester abortion there was a 1.86 increased relative risk for very preterm birth and a 1.58 increased risk for moderate preterm birth.
"Induced Abortion and Subsequent Pregnancy Duration," W Zhou et al, Obstet Gynecol 94:948-953, 1999.
- A Danish study using national registries found that one evacuation had an overall increased relative risk of 2.27 for preterm birth compared to 1.82 for one vacuum aspiration abortion. Two evacuations had an overall increased relative risk of 12.55 for preterm birth compared to 2.45 overall increased relative risk for two vacuum aspirations. Ed Note: evacuations would most likely occur in the second trimester, while vacuum aspirations would occur in the first trimester.